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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  January 22, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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car and she was just told, get out. >> the problem is, some people left their purses, keys and buildings and not allowing going back to the buildings, i don't believe. >> reporter: did you hear any rumblings how many people were injured or if anybody got struck by a gunshot? >> we're hearing two to three. >> reporter: two to three. and students or-- >>. you've been listening there to a teacher from lonestar college, she had taught there for 32 years, and she's described the terror of hearing gunshots wounds and having to lock herself in other classroom and said for about 45 minutes she was in her classroom with colleagues or other students where they didn't have information until they were finally let out by police. again, there has been a school shooting at lone star college at harris campus. fox news will have continuing coverage of this. thanks for joining me today. i'm alisyn camerota in for megyn kelly and now to shepard smith with continuing coverage.
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>> this is a big school. they have a no-guns policy. texas is a carry state. but in this college, no guns allowed. it is our understanding from the administrator and the law enforcement, what happened, the dispute carried into the hallways. gunfire erupted. as the administrator put it, a couple of students got caught in the crossfire. some of the injuries may be quite serious.
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one of the gunman -- if there is more than one, we are not sure -- was injured. is in custody. was he shot? we are not sure. but he was injured. there is another person involved either in the dispute or in the shooting who escaped to a nearby area. this campus is surrounded on a couple of side audio bordered on a couple of sides by woods. a number of students report they saw someone with a red sweatshirt marching into the woods. so they are looking for someone who may be a shooter, may be wanted for questioning, but is not on campus. they are evacuating this campus and other campuses, it is our understanding. the shooting happened a little over an hour ago. it's one minute past 2:00 in the afternoon at this school. now on the phone is the lone star college media relations manager. vickie, what more can you tell us? or of the above, can you correct anything? >> caller: you have as much information as i have at this time. we do know that it was between
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two individuals, three people were shot. one of those was the shooter. two others were studented. i don't know information on the condition of any of the people that have been shot at this point in time. >> shepard: nearby hospitals say that one is very serious, one may be critical. we don't know if one was the shooter. now, we were listening to your administrator on another network. can you confirm whether the shooter was a student? >> caller: i cannot at this point in time. >> shepard: can you confirm whether the victims were characterized as caught in the crossfire, were students? >> caller: i believe that they are students, yes, that's correct. >> shepard: it's my understanding that this happened in an area which includes a library and an administration building. is that right? >> caller: yes, that's correct. >> shepard: though it seems sort of unclear why where the shooting might have happened, whether it happened in multiple places. is that fair? >> caller: yes, that's fair to
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say. >> shepard: it's possible from the early reporting from the students and others that a shooting began that rose out of a dispute and the shooting may have moved from one place to another nearby place? >> caller: correct. >> shepard: i have heard from a number of local reports, there are questions about whether this may be gang related. is that something about which have you some questions? >> caller: i can't comment on that at this point in time. i don't know the answer to that. but we are certainly gathering as much information as we can on the situation through the sheriffsops -- department. >> shepard: vicki cassidy is on the line. the shooter was injured when they were taken into custody. >> caller: that's right. >> shepard: was that shooter who is in custody shot in the leg? earnings -- >> caller: i don't know where the shooter was shot at. i don't have that information given to me. i apologize. >> shepard: you the can't help what you don't know.
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i am glad to get clarified what we do and don't know. it is my understanding that the shooter who was in custody had in his possession a weapon at the time. is that right? >> caller: i don't have information on that. >> shepard: don't apologize. we will be able to get that at some point, i'm sure. it is my understanding that this is an active situation. there is a lockdown and an evacuation order, is that right? >> caller: that's correct. we have been told from our commander that they believe the danger has been mitigate and the situation is under control. they are starting to do evacuations of the building to clear the campus, currently. and they are asking that the students who do have later classes not to come to campus. >> shepard: we have heard from multiple witnesses as they describe themselves that they saw someone going into the woods and you may have at a minimum questions for whoever this male subject is who may have went into the woods. is that fair? >> caller: i believe it is believed that one of the shooters did flee and police
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were in pursuit of another shoot sneer vicki does it sound as if two students had an argument that spilled out into open places and they started shooting and others got shot? >> caller: i can't confirm that. but it certainly seems that could be one of the situations, yes. >> shepard: have there been incidents reported on campus of gang activity or concerns about weapons on a campus, which is a no-gun zone, is my understanding? >> caller: no. we haven't had anything like this in the past. >> shepard: around what time was this? around 1:00? >> caller: we were told it happened around 12:30 this afternoon. i don't have the exact time, but i believe it was about 12:30. >> shepard: 12:30 central, 1:30 eastern time. it apers that the police presence is considerable. >> yes, it is. >> shepard: do you know how many people have been transportd? >> caller: i do not have that information for you? >> vicki, it is my understanding that two of the students transported went to a trauma
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center, i believe it's called texas hospital -- i am not sure about that. but i know it's the area trauma center, farther away than other hospitals, which suggests their injuries could be quite serious. >> caller: that is true. there is protocol in houston with several trauma patients where they do go to several hospitals in our texas medical center. >> shepard: vicki, is there anything else we should know? is there anything else that parents or students should know at this moment? >> caller: lone star college is doing everything we can to secure the situation. we understand the concern. we are trying to get out accurate information, as quickly as possible. we want everyone to know that we are doing the best we can to make sure everyone is safe and secure on campus. and we will be communicating information as quickly as we can with the correct information that we have. >> shepard: vicki, many thanks. channel 13, our abc affiliate and network news affiliate with
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a live interview, listen. >> yes, it's never, you know... okay. >> shepard: okay. as you might imagine, local reporters are trying to get as much information as they can. we have megan franks, a teacher at lone star college in houston area. it's my understanding about 18,000 stoonts. large -- a large system with multiple campuses. and on this campus, a shooting this afternoon, somewhere around 12:30 central standard time. megan franks, a teacher, did you hear anything. >> caller: no, i did not. >> shepard: go ahead. >> caller: it was another building. but the students came running. >> shepard: ma'am, hold on. a student speaking about what she heard. listen. >> two young men who had an argument and then gunshots. >> reporter: how did you get the order to leave the campus? was it something that came through an email -- >> no, it wasn't by email. it was just about had to -- the
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police on campus were asking for me and telling everybody to get safe. i was in the financial aid office so they told me i could be excused. >> reporter: you say you heard 5 gunshots, could you tell where? >> they were coming from around the corner, in the middle of the yard, by the library, there were about five of them. >> reporter: i can't imagine what is going through your mind right now. >> i'm sered. i'm -- i don't know what to think. i am coming here to come to school and then, i mean, once you hear that, just to see -- there is a lot of people that are scared. >> reporter: have they cordoned off any areas. >> as you can see on the inbound, people are coming this way. but they're not allowed to go back in the school. >> reporter: thanks you so much. again-- there we go, thanks to ktrk, the abc station channel 13 for their help with that. a live arial on the left and a man of the school on the right.
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this is lone star college in harris county, in which houston sits. as i mentioned, this is 18,000 students, that's as large as many four-year universities in other states. enormous campus population there. the pieces have come together now to where i am comfortable with this is the scenario that we believe, from our news gathering los angeles happened. this is from the administrators, public information officer, student who is were witnesses and the rest. there was a dispute between two students. it is now our belief, though police will have to come together to figure it out -- that at least two of them were armed. an argument spilled out into a common area outside the library. one shot, another shot. then people who were around -- because they were between classes, apparently were victims of this, unwitting victims of this, want part of this dispute bah they took stray gunfire. two people have gone to hospitals with serious
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conditions. you do not skip a closer hospital to take a student to a trauma center by lifeflight helicopter unless the injuries are such that it is believed they need that sort of critical care that you can only get from a trauma center. i know from years of covering this sort of thing in miami and orlando and other places. you don't go to the trauma center unless the wounds are such that they need the care that is available in trauma centers. they have been flown off. this dispute moved in front of an administration building, from the news we have been able to gather. the library, the administration building and wandered around this general area before they could contain it all. you can see the students in the upper right of your screen, being filed away. the entire area's on lockdown. nearby schools are on lockdown as they search for what they believe to be one of two shooters. you heard the public information officer for this college, lone star college in hariss county, around houston, texas, saying that one of the shooters is in
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custody, but they are on the lookout for another person. one person shoots at one person and the other person fires back. we are getting an interview with another student -- so as that happened, one of these persons of interest went off into the woods nearby. they are searching for that person. this is very much an active scene. you can see on the left-hand side of the screen, it is a quite large, large campus and a lot -- a lot to be dealt with. the sheriffs official confirm, three people are -- are wounded, and one person of interest is in custody. this is the first official from the sheriffs department. throw are wounded and one in custody. one of the three wounded is a shooting suspect. that shooting suspect has been transported to a nearby hospital. two of the others wounded by gunfire, it is our understanding, have been taken to this urgent care center, a trauma center, as they call t. and they're on the lookout now for one other person. is megan franks still on the line with us? >> caller: yes.
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>> shepard: do you have any idea how many people might have been witness to all of this? >> caller: just because two of them came over to our area, i kind of think there might have been, you know, i don't know. but enough that they scattered across the many parts of campus. >> shepard: so a number of people, not necessarily involved in the shooting, but a number of people involved in the dispute? >> caller: no, no, no, no. >> shepard: a number of witnesses? >> caller: like someone that came to our area saw a guy walking with a gun and he thought -- that is very odd, in our school situation, to see someone with a gun. he high-tailed it out and grabbed people and said, let's go, let's go. >> shepard: did anybody say, what kind of weapon this might have been? a big gun? a handgun? anything. >> caller: from the way they were talking, i am assuming it's a handgun, the way he was talking about it, but i really don't know? megan frank, thanks so much. four independent school district schools are on lockdown, parker,
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dunn, nimitz high school and nimitz ninth grade campus, this lone star college is on lockdown -- it has happened again. this is fox news continuing coverage of yet another school shooting in harris county, texas. our coverage continues right after this. living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis
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>> shepard: continuing coverage of breaking news in the houston area, 20 miles north of downtown houston, harris county, where lone has had a shooting happen. looking live pictures now from kriv, let's look at those, live pictures coming in of what appear to be people taken away in a stretcher. it said live at the bottom of the screen, but it's possible that the pictures are from earlier, it gets jumbled. an interview from our abc affiliate and network news service with another witness on to all of this. >> running into the bookstore. they locked the doors and told us stay in, get away from the door, things like that. >> reporter: an impromptu
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lockdown in certain buildings? >> yes. everyone was panicking, running, screaming, crying, things like that. >> reporter: you said you heard a series of gunshots, how many? >> like five. they said someone was hit in the cafeteria, in the school lounge, that's where the majority of the crowd came rubbing from. but i didn't see anything. >> reporter: you were telling me it's pretty chaot icright now, what are you seeing. >> lots of groups in the parking lot and on the outskirts and a lot of cop cars and helicopters, swerving, going real fast. >> , things like that. >> reporter: so many students said they were close, within ear distance to the shots. bhoos going through your mind with this shooting on campus right now? i can't imagine what you are going through? >> the first thing was the other shootings and the other school campuses and crazy people coming and shooting everybody. i was all panicked. i wanted to get down on the floor, too. >> reporter: it sounds as if
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the evacuation is being handled in an orderly way. >> they are trying. but it's a lot of students on campus. i don't know how-- a very difficult situation from the houston chronicle, the reporting from the houston chronicle newspaper with the live coverage. the houston chronicle's reporting one of the three injured is a -- is in critical condition, taken to the area trauma center, chimentioned. they have detained what they are now calling a person -- a person of interest. though it's our understanding from the public information officer, the media relations person with the college that that was -- they believe that's the shooter, allegedly the shooter. the only details we have is that there was clearly a dispute going on and if guns were drawn. and bullets flew and it's our understanding that some of the people who were shot were not involved with this dispute at all, though time will tell whether that's true. trace gallagher is live from the west cost news hub.
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what are you hearing? >> reporter: i'm trying to fill in the blanks here. the trauma center is ben taub, farther away than other hospitals. they have two patients with multiple gunshot wound, including one shot isn't testimony stomach. one of the victim's uncles saying a different scenario. he says what happened when the shooting broke out, the shooter came in to the study hall and opened fire and his nephew was sitting at a computer terminal when she was shot by the shooter. if you go back to one of the first witnesses on the scene, that's a man who says that he treated two of the victims who were shot and he said one of the victims happened to be --y -- he believes the suspect, the person he believed it was was the suspect was not armed at the time he treated him, but when he and a buddy brought him outside, the police told him to drop him on the ground. they turned him over face down
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and arrested him. that's the person of interest we are talking about. if you jump forward to the search in the wooded area, it is expanded to a nearby apartment complex. the sheriffs saying they have put that apartment complex on lockdown because they believe the shooter may be in that vicinity, it may be just for precaution, but that's what is happening in the local area. the sheriff says, quoting here, the situation is hot and that he will have a press conference or a news conference sometime, we believe in this hour, to give us an update of what is going o. of four or five eyewitness accounts to this, we have gotten at least three different versions, one saying this was a dispute between two students, broke out in gunfire and both of them had guns. another saying it was a dispute between a student and a teacher, again breaking out in gunfire, the teacher not firing, the student firing and fleeing. and a third account saying that this went from the breezeway
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between the library and the administration building into a nearby study hall, where the shooter actually went and started opening fire on student who is had nothing to do with this dispute that was in the breezeway, seconds earlier. as weget more information on this, shep, we will bring it and try to clear up what the differing accounts all comport to. >> shepard: trace, very good. thank you. two students in ben taub hospital emergency center, the trauma center. and this -- from a student who was in a study hall that trace was mentioning. they are calling it a lab. a 19-year-old said he was at the tutoring lab on the second floor, doing homework and heard 6 to 7 shots. he thought it sounded like somebody kicking in the door. 60 people in the lab and they scattered. this is a large school, 18,000 on multiple campuses, i was wrong. 18,000 on this campus. 90,000 students in the lone star college system, in and around this area.
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now four schools, an elementary and middle schools are on lockdown, this college is on lockdown. two area, they are searching for another shooter. it has happened again. lone star college, harris county, just north of downtown houston. our coverage continues in just a moment. on that and a developing situation in israeli elections. it (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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>> shepard: 25 minutes past 2:00 in houston, texas. two hours into what a sheriff's deputy calls a hot scene on campus, meaning this is far from settled. it is our understanding from authority, three people shot, two taken to a trauma center, one suspect in custody, one suspect on the loose, four middle and elementary schools on lockdown in the area. this college campus of 18,000 on lockdown. an active search in two different areas around the
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campus for someone described as a person of interest by authorities and as a second shooter by people from the school. here is the latest as we have it. this happened about two hours ago at a community college campus of 18,000 people. students fleeing for safety as officials placed this whole place on lockdown. one person of interest detained. but the associated press has spoken to law enforcement official in washington who spoke on condition of anonymity that this second person of interest is a second shooter. or could be a second shooter. you have seen the footage. harris county has no immediate information, but they confirmed they are on lockdown. a spokesman for the health center said the two shooting victims were taken to the harris health ben taub emergency center, which is the trauma center about which i have been speaking. total of three people that we know of injured.
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cody hariss is a 20-year-old who was in a classroom with 6 or 7 other students, waiting for a psychology class to start when he heard what he described as 8 shots. he and other students said, i am quoting here -- i guess we should get out of here. "i was worried about getting out. i call mide grandmother and asked her to come pick me up." you can see, it's very difficult to get in and out of this campus, 20 miles north of downtown houston. authorities have said they will leave this on lockdown as long as it's an active scene and it certainly is that. with a second suspect out there and on the loose. these are pictures from earlier, it is my understanding, as folks were brought out on stretchers. one of two scenarios here, it sounds like, there was definitely a dispute and gunfire. we are not positive how many people had guns, but from the reporting, it appears that at least one of them with a handgun. if there was another, we are not sure about it.
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we know that three people have been injured. trace gallagher has been working along withous this. trace, it sounds as if this one person had moved into a particular area of interest, right? >> reporter: he's moved into an apartment area, we believe, away from the wooded area and that apartment complex has been placed on lockdown. there has been no sighting of him. that could be speculation. the sheriff said he was going to hold a news conference. he did. it lasted a few seconds, confirming that three people were shot. he did not take any 83s at all and say there would be a news briefing at 6:00 p.m. local time. but clearly, the sheriff says the situation is, quote, hot, and they are looking for what they have termed an active shooter and the -- the vicinity of where that active shooter is now remains very unclear at this point. you go back to the whole scenario and the different accounts and you go back to the
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uncle who said his nephew is now in surgery, but told him that his nephew was sitting at say terminal in the study hall when he was shot, the gunman walked in and was still shooting. now, that was apparently the second part of the shooting because several witnesses have said there was, in fact, a dispute between two students or two students and a teacher, at least one of those students had a gun, and opened fire. and at least one of those students who was involved in the dispute was taken into custody, is being questioned, exactly his role in all of this, remains still a mystery at this point. >> shepard: trace, thanks. ktrk in houston is interviewing a student who was apparently a witness to all of this, or will be in just a second. this is tape that is coming in. this is not a live interview. but tape. you can see the cars in the distance. this is from a few minutes ago. there is a lot of traffic in the area. but you can see from the arial
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shots from kriv, our fox station in the area, of all the cars that are backed up around there and long lines of traffic. it has been very difficult for parents to get in, again, this is a community college so a lot of people live at home and go to school on campus. an interview with a student from ktrk, listen. >> everybody got up and then we heard a guy on the floor and he was saying, "i'm shot, somebody help me." they told uts to get down and we ran into a back office and they locked the door and we stayed until the place came. >> reporter: what is going through your mind at that moment? >> i was just really scared. i was thinking of the incidents with the school -- you know, not long ago. >> reporter: connecticut. >> yes, in connecticut. it was scary. it was chaos. everybody was scared. >> shepard: just before this interview began to run and they are fast forwarding here. listen. >> they did a procedure. we had to wait for the police to come and then they cleared the building and cleared us out and everything.
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>> reporter: describe for us again if you would, exactly what you heard and what you saw. >> i just heard... like, boom, boom, boom, like a lot of gunshots. so everyone got up and they told us to get down. but right below me there was a guy -- i couldn't see him, but i could hear him. he said, "i'm shot, somebody help me." so they ran to the back. >> reporter: do you believe this was the younger victim? did you get a look at him at all? >> i didn't get a look at him. >> reporter: you know he was able to speak and communicate. were paramedics rushing in. >> not at the time, not at the time. this was right after it happened. >> reporter: how long were you left in this state of panic in this room? we were there probably 20 minutes. maybe 30, i don't know because -- everyone was so scared. >> shepard: in the library, two people shot there. one of them, this witness -- i can't be sure of that -- but this person's feet. she was told to get away.
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that person one of two taken to a trauma center nearby. the arial footage shows a campus on lockdown and a search still -- it's our understanding -- for a suspect, someone who may be armed and dangerous. updates as our coverage continues.
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>> shepard: take immediate shelter where you are and do not enter campus until further notice. at this moment, 35 minutes past 2:00, further notice has not
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come. this enormous community college, with 90,000 students on six campinguses, 18,000 on this campus, on lockdown, along with four nearby elementary and middle schools. ktrk, our network news service, interviewing yet another witness. >> all of a sudden, someone started screaming at the top of their lungings. i didn't know what to do, i ran in the bathroom and they told us to come into the library and we stayed in the library until it was safe to leave and come outside. >> reporter: what was going through your mind as they were huddling you into that one room, all of you together? >> i wasn't exactly sure where he was. i thought he was in the next room because i saw people running. i thought he was in the next room, so i thought someone had a machine gun -- all i could think of was the elementary kids that happened not too long ago. it's pretty sad. >> reporter: we were hearing about if yesterday in the inauguration, shooting in connecticut, fresh on everyone's
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mind. as you are sitting there wait asking and waiting, are you concerned about someone coming into that room and harming all of this these people? >> there were a lot of women who were hyperventilating and stuff. i really wasn't eye wasn't too concerned at that point because i knew the guy was in the building and far away from where we were, i wasn't too concerned. but it was pretty scary. >> reporter: how were you able to keep your calms? were people praying? >> the lady next to me, she was on the phone with the dean of the school. so she was praying, too. she was an older woman. i felt pretty safe, though. >> reporter: you never think something like this is going to happen to you. >> shepard: mark smith is on the line, the harris countedy, texas, emergency corps. mark, it's our understanding that one person's in custody and a couple of others have been taken to a nearby trauma center. anything further? >> caller: not a lot, no. as far as the individual in custody... you know... essentially what i am seeing on the news is probably the same
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information that you have. we responded with four ambulances at different times throughout the shooting. we did transport at least three individuals, two of which went to ben taub hospital, a level 1 trauma center here in harris county. as far as anything specifically new, i don't know that i have a lot of information, you know, more than what you have. >> shepard: regarding the person who did -- my understanding that an alleged shooter was injured. would that person suffer a gunshot wound? >> caller: well, from what i understand, and again, this is coming from the news reports that i have seen, as i have been following it, that there may have been an altercation at some point, you know, potentially, if there were multiple shooters, you know, i suppose, you know, it could be plausible that one of the shooters could have been injured in the exchange. >> shepard: mark, stand by. the live pictures from our -- from our station, kriv, fox in
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houston. we thank them and ktrk for their help. this is local coverage from fox, houston. >> to be a male, doesn't seem to be... i don't know that he's handcuffed. but he doesn't seem to have freedom of movement. that police officer is watching him closely. >> we are not sure whether or not that was the suspect taken into custody. we know one person was. hopefully, they were able to find out if there is another person out there, which we are waiting for confirmation on that. >> that's really the big question here. that's the reason we have four surrounding schools on lockdown. that's the reason there is such a massive police presence at this point. is there or isn't there a second armed person, a shooter... near that campus or who was at that campus? these are live pictures again. we can't answer that question and the police haven't answered that question specifically for us. initial reports were that there may have been a second shooter,
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that's what prompted so much of the tactical response after the initial shooting... either way, even if they don't suspect there is another shooter, their protocol will demand that they go through this campus... as if there is. they are going to make sure that the area is clear and safe. >> and again, we are waiting for, you know, maybe more of an update from law enforcement. we have randy wallace next to nimitz high school waiting for updates. what they have said is that the media presence was massive out there. what really community members asking what was going on. students had seen -- seemed to have left the scene for the most part. so, you know, just waiting for law enforcement to update us on the situation. >> it's been a few minutes. if our producers can get either reporter on the phone for us who are there, it would be good to
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get an update from there-- updates are hard to come by the. the situation is fluid. the problem that police are indicating to us that they seem to have had is that all of these students, multiple witnesses report seeing somebody walk from the campus if a red sweatshirt to a wooded area and that search has extended itself to a nearby apartment complex, according to the reporting of trace gallagher, through multiple sources on the ground. so the question is, is there a second suspect? was this an unusual thing? there has been a shooting in the library -- for instance. there has been a shooting in the library, people scatter. did someone walk toward his apartment complex, having nothing to do with this? all of that is possible. the early reporting, you have been watching it, you know as well as i do, some of the early reporting turns out to be wrong. but it is not like authorities are going to leave any stone unturned. ktrk has another interview now.
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listen... >> yeah. shot on the floor. >> shepard: it turns out, our station interviewed interviewedn as well. listen to kriv in houston. >> almost four years. >> shepard: what we are going to do is do our best -- there we go -- listen. >> shepard: so it goes. an active situation in houston, texas. we'll have continuing coverage. i want to let you know about another thing, benjamin netanyahu has been elected, his party in israel. the thinking was that it wouldn't be that close. well, it was. in fact, it was extremely close. and benjamin netanyahu has thanked the people of israel for voting for him. but there is much more ahead. in fact, the quote is, i thank the people of israel for re-electing me, forming a
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coalition government, though, in israel may be a difficult task, as the margin of victory was not what many thought. live pictures coming in now. let's listen to kriv in houston. >> reporter: let's listen to that. >> i was walking to my next class and... and then i saw... about three guys, just arguing. but i thought that you were just being loud and playing. after i passed by them, i just heard 5 to 10 shots, pop, pop, pop... and that's all. i thought somebody was knocking at the door with a hammer or something. but then i looked behind me, i saw about 50 people just running, crying and you know-- we are going to leave that. you may have noticed, this is a live shot of a person in custody wearing what appears to be a blue sweater, in handcuffs. we saw the beginning of that shot, as he was being walked back toward the campus by
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police. now, obviously, we don't know why this particular person is in custody, but we know that they have been looking for people involved with this shooting. and there was the possibility of a second -- second gunman, this afternoon. we do see a person in handcuff who is has been walked back in and is among the group of a dozen or so-- whether that person is in custody remains to be seen. kill that audio, please. we do know that authorities have put handcuffs on him. here's what happens. you have questions about someone, you are not sure if they are involved or not, so you put handcuffs on them, in case this is a troubled person and there is another one. another one with handcuffs. so you ask them questions, you find out if they were involved. if you believe they were involved in any way or not. if you do, you take them downtown, no charge is filed. nothing like that. so do they have questions for these two? it would appear they do.
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do we know if that person was in any way involved? we certainly do not. reg nald neal is on the line and he said his nephew is one of the two people wounded. mr. neil you. it is my understanding that it is your belief, jodi neil, 24 yearsole was wounded, is that correct? >> caller: yes, sir. i am home getting a phone call saying my nephew was shot. me and my niece, we going over to the school to find out what was really going on. so they had everything blocked off over there and they wouldn't let us through. so we talked to -- an officer, he tolditous pull over to the side. we pulled over to the side and waited and then finally, a reporter walked up to us and we started talking to the reporter. she wanted to get some information from us. we gave her the information. and that's all we -- that's all we really know now.
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>> shepard: do you know if jodi neil is in the hospital? >> caller: yeah, he's at ben taub. >> shepard: that's a trauma center, right? >> caller: it's a trauma --ats a gunshot wound. it's really, i mean, i guess you could say that. >> shepard: do you know where jodi was shot or what his condition is? >> caller: he was shot in the leg and then in the neck eye mean in the arm. that's my -- the leg, arm and in the stomach. >> shepard: so he was shot multiple times? >> caller: yes, three times. >> shepard: do you have any idea if jodi had been involved in any sort of disagreement with someone? >> caller: not that i know of. not that i know of. >> shepard: is jodi a student at lone star? >> caller: well, today was his first day? >> shepard: his first day in class, after mlk day, his first day back. >> caller: today was his first day, period. he enrolled last week. >> shepard: what is he studying? >> caller: art. >> shepard: and so -- did you
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see him before he went to school this morning -- >> caller: i seen him this morning, that's the last time i seen him. >> shepard: whether he was going to school, did he seem cool with everything? >> caller: sir? >> shepard: did he seem good with everything. was he upset with anything? >> caller: no. not that i know of. >> shepard: do you know if he was involved in a dispute or or was an innocent bystander? >> caller: say that again? do you know if he was involved in a dispute or if he was an innocent bystander? >> caller: i think he was an innocent bystander. i don't know what really happened. like i say, you know, they say he was standing up somewhere in the library and... a guy come by with a gun and shot him. that's the only thing i know. >> shepard: so your nephew, jodi neal, 24 years old, hanging out in the library, somebody walks by with a gun and shoots him in the library at school? >> caller: guys were saying they
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seen the gun when he passed by, the guy had the gun and they say that he went in and just started shooting and hit jod bethree times? >> has anyone in the family had contact with jodi? >> caller: difficulty i talked to him. >> shepard: what did he say? >> caller: he said he had been shot. >> shepard: did he say how he was feeling? >> caller: he got shot three times-- do they think he's going to be all right? >> caller: do you know about it? >> shepard: what's that? >> caller: okay... i was talking to someone. >> shepard: you know, sometimes when things like this happen, young people get involved and they end up with the wrong people -- >> caller: i know they wouldn't tell me -- [inaudible] >> caller: they told me he got shot. and he got shot three times, one in the arm and one in the
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statistic -- stomach and one in the leg. >> shepard: had he been rightfield involved -- shot, shot at? >> caller: no, not that i know of. >> shepard: he's not involved with any bad folks, is he? >> caller: not that i know of. >> shepard: so it seems like jodi neal, 24, one of the wounded, got shot in the library. >> caller: he's 24 years old. >> shepard: reg nald neal on the line. our producers would like to talk to you if you can stay on the line. an active scene there. we know from the reporting of reg nald neal, his nephew, 24 on the first day of school, off you go to the library, as the story goes at this moment, shot three times, leg, stomach in the library at school. listen to kriv, our fox station on the scene, with a live reporter there. >> reporter: doesn't appear there is going to be anyone else injured, rather than the three people -- that the sheriffs department is telling us about.
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>> that campus has been fully evacuated at this point and has now been closed, so technically the lockdown is over because the evacuation is complete. there is no one on campus, other than law enforcement and people who need to be here. we are going to tom at the perimeter of the campus. tom, what can you tell us? i know you are where the police are updating the situation. do we have any new update, tom? >> reporter: no, not since the last time i was able to speak to you. >> shepard: that's good inform to have. we will wait for authorities. right now what we have, three people injured in hospitals, two in a trauma center, a campus has been evacuated, four nearby schools are on lockdown. when we get more from authorities about the possibility of another person of interest who may have wandered off campus, we will bring you that. but right now, developing news out of israel, where israeli elections are over, the voting has been completed and benjamin netanyahu has just thanked the
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people of israel for re-electing him. that is not the end of this story. they must form a coalition government. the way to do that will be difficult because of the vote and it will affect all of us and politics in that region and we will have coverage of that breaking story, right after this. [ male announcer ] ok, here's the way the system works. let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money. that's not much you think. except it's 2% every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors" ouch. over time it really adds up. then go to e-trade and find out how much our advice costs. spoiler alert: it's low. really? yes, really. e-trade offers investment advice and guidance from dedicated, professional financial consultants. it's guidance on your terms, not ours. that's how our system works. e-trade. less for us. more for you. i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief.
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>> shepard: breaking news out of israel, the elections and exit polls are showing that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has won a third term in office as prime minister. moments ago, he claimed victory, thanking his voters for re-election, but it is much closer than expected. his allies barely held on to control in parliament. jonathan hunt is here. this is -- some parties got more votes than anticipated and benjamin netanyahu got fewer. >> reporter: a lot less, 31.
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it's 120-seat parliament in kineset. you with the ultra-nationalist parties he used, he may get to the 61 or 62 that he needs aircrafts tiny majority. the king maker, a former tv anchor, newspaper columnist, new centrist body, they could be the new power and move netanyahu to the middle. >> shepard: we have a former senior director at foreign affairs and now a manager at the washington institute. this is complicated. >> this is very complicated, shep. those who said this would be a rightward shift in israel were wrong, this is a polarizing with a weak showing for netanyahu. as a coalition-building process, it is going to take weeks and be very difficult because combining the religious party, perhaps is impossible because, lepede campaigned on social justice,
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removing the privileges for the religious parties and so forth. what we can say, shep, the coalition process won't be about the palestinians or iran, it will be about the issues inside israel, but there will be ramifications for the issues, which are interesting to president obama. >> shepard: this leaves a power vacuum for a short period of time, does it not? and could be an opening for those who would do them harm, briefly. >> we see this with israel, every time they have election, the coalition negotiations can take weeks. yes, what it means, you won't see progress on any issues and in fact, you could see people trying to take advantage of israel's inward focus during this time. >> shepard: thanks so much. we'll continue coverage of the breaking news out of houston, texas. and out of israel, right after this. hi. i'm henry winkler.
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